How to install Test version of Sangha App 2.0 on iOS

You will go through the process of installing the app which supports testing versions, accepting & downloading Sangha 2 and final email verification.

It is not difficult – by following this step by step manual:

1. Click on this button on your phone (then for better access you can open this manual on other device)

3. Download TestFlight

4. Click to open it

5. Come back by clicking on the button at the beginning of the manual (or go back to web browser on your phone)

6. Approach Sangha 2 Beta by clicking Start testings

8. Install Sangha 2 beta
on your phone

9. Open Sangha 2 beta

10. Click Next to open Sangha 2 App
11. Verify your email connected with Sangha – the same as for Sangha 1