1. Finding other practitioners
In the section “People”, you can use the lens icon to search people. From there you can search practitioners by their name or filter through the funnel icon.
Type their name in the search bar or use the funnel icon
You can filter people by the connection you have with them
You can filter people by their practice interests – the tags they have chosen
You can also scroll through the whole userbase, by pressing A-Z. If the user hasn’t chosen a picture yet, their profile picture is the white A in a thigle.
Note: In this picture, the names and photos of the actual practitioners have been hidden.
Other ways to find practitioners:
- In the Home screen, scroll down to the “Last seen” subsection.
- In the “People” section, you can see your friends and acquaintances in “My connections” or, scrolling down, suggestions of people you might know.
- On an Event page, you can see “Who is going.”
- On a channel description, you can see “Who is following.”
- On a Place page, you can see the “Followers.”
2. Connecting to other practitioners
There are three ways in which you can connect to another practitioner: Follow, Message and Show Affection.
- You can follow a person. The person you follow will receive a notification that you followed them. If that person follows you back, then you will become “Friends.”
- You can send a private message to any person on the app with the “Message” function.
- The function to show affection was devised to express more than friendship. It can be affection for a close friend, affectionate support to someone you know is going through a hard time, or it can be romantic interest.